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Faktu lapas

Materiāls izstrādāts Eiropas Komisijas projekta
“Trade Unions for a Fair Recovery: Strengthening the role of trade unions in mitigating the impact of the COVID-19 crisis” (Projekta Nr. 2021/11) ietvaros.

Materiāls izstrādāts Eiropas Komisijas projekta
“Trade Unions for a Fair Recovery: Strengthening the role of trade unions in mitigating the impact of the COVID-19 crisis” (Projekta Nr. 2021/11) ietvaros.

Materiāls izstrādāts Eiropas Komisijas projekta
“Trade Unions for a Fair Recovery: Strengthening the role of trade unions in mitigating the impact of the COVID-19 crisis” (Projekta Nr. 2021/11) ietvaros.

Materiāls izstrādāts Eiropas Komisijas projekta
“Trade Unions for a Fair Recovery: Strengthening the role of trade unions in mitigating the impact of the COVID-19 crisis” (Projekta Nr. 2021/11) ietvaros.

Materiāls izstrādāts Eiropas Komisijas projekta
“Trade Unions for a Fair Recovery: Strengthening the role of trade unions in mitigating the impact of the COVID-19 crisis” (Projekta Nr. 2021/11) ietvaros.

Materiāls izstrādāts Eiropas Komisijas projekta
“Trade Unions for a Fair Recovery: Strengthening the role of trade unions in mitigating the impact of the COVID-19 crisis” (Projekta Nr. 2021/11) ietvaros.